
You have a unique relationship to a location according to your birth moment.


This session will provide you with

a valuable insight into your relationship to space


Discover the areas of the world where your potential manifests for any particular area of your life, so you can choose to travel or relocate to destinations that better support your travel or life goals.


Find out the deeper reasons why you are drawn to specific regions of the world and what is truly intended for you to learn or experience there, so you can increase your awareness and step up into your next level of growth.

Ready to map out your next move?


Whether you are planning to travel to a place for a short period of time, or to relocate there indefinitely, the energy of that place will shift something inside of you that will inspire you, support you or challenge you to grow and transform.

This session will help if you are

  • Planning to relocate or retire to another city/country?

  • Considering the best destinations for a life-changing travel experience or a transformational retreat?

  • Mapping out your bucket list for your sabbatical or digital nomad lifestyle?

  • Weighing up your next career move?

  • Wondering what will emerge for you in a new location in terms of meaning and experience?
  • Looking for the best possible environment for you to thrive and reach fulfilment?

  • Writing a book or working on a project that requests you to unleash your creativity?

  • Feeling stuck and wondering where to go next in regards your life, relationships, or career?

  • Grieving the lost of a loved one and consciously looking a place for you to heal?

  • Wanting to deepen your spiritual connection and level up your awareness?

Discover the destinations that are more meaningful, powerful and transformative for you

How It Works


Book an appointment and proceed with the checkout. Once I receive the request, I will commence studying your data and preparing your astrocartography reading prior our session.


During our 90min together, we will go through both, your birth chart and astrocartography chart, mapping out your lines across the globe, identifying the energies that accentuate or operate against your strengths and potential while getting your questions answered.


Once the objective of the session is met and you are clear about your next steps, I will send you an email with the video recording of our conversation for your future reference. At this point you are ready to go, your next adventure is awaiting!

Let's Map out your Potential

Some destinations will make you feel...

  • Tension
  • Disappointment
  • Frustration
  • Struggle
  • Irritation
  • Intolerance
  • Impatience
  • Confrontation
  • Arguments
  • Loneliness
  • Estrangement
  • Despair
  • etc.

  • Happy
  • Connected
  • Love
  • Inspired
  • Motivated
  • Insightful
  • Creative
  • Ease
  • Flow
  • Magic
  • Manifestation
  • Serendipity
  • ...and more

You deserve to travel to a place

that supports your life goals

Your Questions Answered

What do I need for the reading?

Just your accurate birth data (day, time and place).

What if I don't know my birth time?

It is important that the time of your birth is accurate, so I recommend asking for a copy of your birth certificate or contacting the hospital where you were born. Alternatively, a chart rectification could be performed.

Does my astromap change throughout my life?

No, your astromap remains consistent throughout your life. It represents the snapshot of the planetary positions at the moment of your birth and acts as a personalised celestial blueprint. It also serves as a valuable tool for understanding the unique energetic influences that accompany you on your life journey.

What if we are a couple/group of travellers?

If you have travel companions, we can look at the composite chart of all the people involved in the trip. In this case, make sure you have their consent to carry out this reading and, of course, their birth data.

Do I need to have places already in mind?

Not necessarily. We can check the influence of places where you feel intuitively drawn to, but I can also give you insights and ideas for places you haven't considered. Both options are possible.

Client Testimonials

Ready to increase your self-awareness and step up into your next level of growth?

Hi, I am Sonia

"Having experienced my own transformation through travel, now I use travel to help you create a meaningful and exciting future aligned with your life purpose".

SONIA CRUZ ORO | Founder of Travel Awakens

With her background in psychology and more than 15 years experience in executive leadership, Sonia's expertise has been featured on magazines like "CNN Travel", "Authority Magazine", "Medium" and "Thrive Global". She is originally from Spain but she lives in Ireland with her husband.